Notch inhibitors

It is known that some genes cause or contribute to the initiation and/or growth of cancer. One area of research is whether blocking the action of those genes can stop or prevent the cancer. The Notch gene was first found in 1917; recently it was found that the gene plays a part in a signaling system for some types of tumor growth.

Cell membrane surfaces have receptors now referred to as Notch receptors. In scientific literature these are referred to as Notch1 (or more formally Notch homolog 1 translocation-associated receptor), Notch2, Notch3, and Notch4.

Potential notch inhibitor compounds are being investigated for their effects on cancer proliferation. Researchers are trying to combine them with hedgehog inhibitors. Scientists think notch inhibitors might be helpful in arresting cancer stem cells – aka tumor-initiating cells. However, Nature reports that work done to date has found no substantial antitumor effect of notch inhibitors.  There are no notch inhibitor therapies in clinical use at this time.

Consequences of Disrupted Notch Signaling in Bladder Cancer.

Molecular pathways: translational and therapeutic implications of the Notch signaling pathway in cancer.

NOTCH pathway inactivation promotes bladder cancer progression.

NOTCH Decoys That Selectively Block DLL/NOTCH or JAG/NOTCH Disrupt Angiogenesis by Unique Mechanisms to Inhibit Tumor Growth

Changes in the regulation of the Notch signaling pathway are temporally correlated with regenerative failure in the mouse cochlea

Notch inhibitors for pulmonary arterial hypertension – SciBX Science Business Exchange

Notch inhibition reverses kidney failure – Nature
